• Gossen Metrawatt


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Product request:

Item number: A203A

Multifunctional Indicator for Mains Quantities

The essential quantities of an electrical system are measured, and read out in a clear-cut fashion at 5 displays.

  • Multifunctional Indicator for Mains Quantities
  • Multifunctional Indicator for Mains Quantities
  • Technical characteristics
    • 4 quadrant operation
    • Voltage and current, active, reactive and apparent power, and power factor for each phase
    • Active, reactive and apparent power, frequency and cos phi as a cumulative value
    • 4 energy meters for active/reactive energy, as well as import and export for each
    • Measuring accuracy: class 1 ±1 digit
    • Acquisition of minimum, maximum and mean values
    • Adjustable integration time for mean value
    • Programmable transformation ratios
    • Good legibility with 10 mm LED displays
    • Installation dimensions: 96 x 96 x 80 mm

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