• Gossen Metrawatt


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Product request:

Item number: Z853R

Z853R database expansion for SECUTEST BASE (10)

(included with the SECUTEST PRO)

  • Z853R database expansion for SECUTEST BASE (10)

The Z853R database expansion offers the following scope of functions (as of SECUTEST version 2.1.1):

  • Remote control via PC (IZYTRONIQ)
  • Additional database elements: property, building, floor and room - in order to better be able to structure comprehensive data - plus additional department and cost center fields as well
  • Multi-print - print-out of several/all test reports (to a connected Z721S thermal printer) which are available for a device under test by pressing just one key
  • Create user-defined report templates and manage them in the SECUTEST, including company logo
  • Export all data (master data and measured value) as a file to a USB flash drive
  • Import all test object master data (no measured values) to the SECUTEST from IZYTRONIQ, or from a USB flash drive
  • Create user-defined test sequences in IZYTRONIQ and upload them to the SECUTEST
  • New database field: test interval


Do you have any questions on the product or do you need technical information or details on the current delivery period? Our sales backoffice will be pleased to assist you.

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