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Product request:

Item number: CB-Configurator

Configuration software for measuring transducers

With the help of CB Configurator software, parameters can be very easily programmed via the RS-485 interface.

  • Configuration software for measuring transducers

  • Direct selection of devices in the software
  • Configuration of input and output parameters
  • Offline parameterization of measured values
  • Loading and storage of configurations
  • Uploading of predefined configurations to several devices at the same time
  • Password protection

PRKAB5000 Programming Cable

In combination with a PC and CB Configurator software, the PRKAB5000 programming cable can be used to program the SIRAX measuring transducer.


Do you have any questions on the product or do you need technical information or details on the current delivery period? Our sales backoffice will be pleased to assist you.

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Telephone: +49 911 8602-0
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