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Item number: Z802C
for MAVOWATT 230, 240, 270
Rechargeable Batteries and Power Packs
BP-HDPQ Rechargeable battery pack for MAVOWATT 230 / 240 / 270 Z802A
XBC-HDPQ-EU External battery charger, 250/125 V for MAVOWATT 230 / 240 / 270 Z802L
PS-HDPQ Power pack for MAVOWATT 230 / 240 / 270 Z802C
Measurement Cables and Clips
VCS-HDPQ Measurement cable set consisting of 8 measurement cables (4 white and 4 black)
8 alligator clips (4 white and 4 black), 4 jumper cables and cable markings Z802D
114013-G1 Jumper cable, 25 cm Z802E
901962 White alligator clip, 600 V CAT III / 1000 V CAT II Z802F
901794 Black alligator clip, 600 V CAT III / 1000 V CAT II Z802G
GPSMAKIT-HDPQ GPS receiver with magnetic retainer for the antenna Z802H
USB, Bluetooth Adapter, USB to Bluetooth 2.1, class 1 Z802I
Pouches and Cases
SCC MAVOWATT Practical carrying pouch for measuring instrument, current clamps, measuring accessories and much more
(dimensions: 30.5 x 45.7 x 22.9 cm) Z802J
ENCL-HDPQ-EU Weather-proof protective case for outdoor use (dimensions: 42.5 x 30 x 20 cm) Z802K
LPC-HDPQ-EU IP 65 protective case (dimensions: 46.9 x 35.7 x 17.8 cm) Z802M
Do you have any questions on the product or do you need technical information or details on the current delivery period? Our sales backoffice will be pleased to assist you.
Sales International:
Telephone: +49 911 8602-0
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